Hello and Good-bye!

I've created this blog for several reasons, primarily as a way to stay in touch, without staying in touch. There are a lot of folks who've expressed interest in this solo adventure of mine and so I welcome the cyber company as I travel this great country.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Soggy Saskatchewan

 Let me start by saying that I was not affected in any way by the flooding and hail that has hit Saskatchewan of late.                     

Someone definitely has a sense of humour in Sask., the land of tornados. 
Left Alberta Tues., June 15 heading to Saskatoon.  This would be my first stranger encounter.  A few days before I decided to put it out there.  I sent an email to a Saskatoon writer's group telling them about my adventure and asking if anyone would care to put me up for the night.  I got an immediate response from Wendy Weseen of Saskatoon stating she was willing to take a chance on me.  That's how I ended up there instead of further south where the flooding was taking place.
Hey, I admit, I felt the fear but did it anyway.  Ok, not fear just a tad bit of trepidation. It was groundless.  Moments after we met, we started gabbing like old friends.  Didn't someone say once 'strangers are the friends we haven't met yet".  Wendy is a multi media artist and, like myself, likes to write and is currently working on her memoir and if memory serves, one of her art exhibits is about to hit the road. 

The night I arrived, Wendy was hosting her writer's group, Sisters Inc.  So here I am, a mere two hours after we meet, participating in a writing exercise and feeling fortunate to be sitting amongst these talented women.  The next day I was up and out exploring this beautiful city and Saskatoon is beautiful.
Downtown is the hub of this vibrant city.  If you think the prairies are endless miles of flat land with no end in sight, you haven't travelled them.  Take a look.

No doubt the tremendous amount of rain has contributed to the voluptuous landscape.  The prairies are an oasis of green. 

This is the Delta Bessborough an impressive structure along the river, downtown.

One of many decorative features on the Bessborough's exterior.  Why does this remind me of Silence of the Lambs.

A fish with 'tude.

Exquisite interior of the Bessborough.  I had thought of going there for breakfast the morning I left but that didn't happen and that's ok.  Probably would have cost me a king's ransom.

More impressive architecture

Pelicans spend their spring in Saskatoon.  Colour me surprised!  I think Pelicans, I think Florida, not Saskatchewan.  I took a boat tour along the South Sask. that runs thru the city.  Wasn't too impressed with this outfit because they couldn't answer many of the questions myself and the couple from Toronto posed.  The gal at the wheel was able to tell us that the Saskatchewan River is the second longest river in North America (or was it the world?), the first being the Mississippi River, so it wasn't a complete waste.  Not surprising, the prime waterfront real estate is dotted with high end homes.

I don't know why but I got a lot of satisfaction knowing Canadian geese were using this front lawn as a nursery.  Does that make me petty?   I watched a comedy special last night starring Chris Rock.  He would say yes.  Poor folks can poke fun at the rich but if the rich were to do the same, we would call them mean. 

Wendy invited me to stay a second night and I did, enjoying her company and this beautiful city another day.  Saskatoon is vibrant, active, beautiful and from what I can see from around town, a happening place.  Thanks Wendy for your generosity and Jim for passing along my email.

The day I left, Saskatoon was hit with a torrential downpour.  It had rained while I was there but nothing like Thursday morning.  It was as though the faucet was opened wide.  I thought about Noah and the arc.  It must have been rain like this that caused the world to go under water so fast.  The drive east to Yorkton was challenging but by the time I arrived, the rain had ceased, for the moment.  I went into a business to ask advise on what to see in town and the young woman actually encouraged me not to stay.  Well, I said to myself, if she doesn't think it's worth my while, I'll heed her advise and get out of Dodge.  I wasn't overly impressed with the city anyway. 
Unlike Saskatoon, it was non-descript, except for the box stores all over the main drag.  I try not to have expectations but with a name like Yorkton, I was expecting something more elegant.  I heard good things about Regina and although I wasn't interested in staying in big cities, I thought I'd go take a look.  I was leaving Yorkton but needed gas.  Next door there was a casino so I thought, what the heck, I'll check it out. 

One vice I haven't spent much time on is gambling.  Years ago I lost $20 within seconds of sitting down and knew it wasn't for me, although I did win $17 in Vegas four years ago though Lisa did have to drag me away from the slot machine. 
In Yorkton, the woman who greeted me took great pains in explaining the process.  They don't do coins so I had to get cash from the ATM put it in the machine and voila, credit.  She actually stood next to me and talked me through it.  Within two minutes, I was up $38. 
The desire to continue was strong.  I had butterflies.  Now, Wynn Ann can attest to the fact I'm not big on delayed gratification but I said to the gal, "the wise thing to do right now would be to get up and leave, right?"  Her facial expression told me she agreed.  I suspect she didn't believe I would but I did.  That was a bitter lesson learned all those years ago.  I've gambled three times, twice I've won.  Those are good odds!  Suddenly Yorkton wasn't so bad afterall!

Somewhere north of Qu Appelle, Sask.

Bloody Sunset!

I ended up spending the night in the little community of Qu Appelle.  The Country Squire does not live up to its name.  I wouldn't recommend it mainly because of the smoking.  Saskatchewan doesn't have smoking laws like Alberta and B.C.  Hey, I'm a reformed smoker and you know there's nothing worse, however, my biggest gripe about this estabilshment, besides the fact it could use a major overhaul, is you have to walk through a portion of the smoking section to get to the non smoking rooms.  What's wrong with that, of course, is the smell but as well, the smoke doesn't know not to cross over into the non-smoking area.  Yuck!  It wasn't as bad as the Econo Lodge in Edmonton for the wedding last month but close.  It was late when I arrived so it was off to bed.
Darn, this blogging takes time.  I gotta stop for now and get outta here before they kick me out!

1 comment:

  1. hey sunshine the adventure is on. my dad lived in qu appelle on his way to alberta. i doubt there is anyone left there that would remember the trout's since it was between the wars. three provinces and seven to go. have fun
