Hello and Good-bye!

I've created this blog for several reasons, primarily as a way to stay in touch, without staying in touch. There are a lot of folks who've expressed interest in this solo adventure of mine and so I welcome the cyber company as I travel this great country.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog #2...View from the Breakfast nook April 8, 2010

It's a heavily overcast day as I look out trying to detect the mountains that I know are there.  They've been obliterated by a thick barrier of clouds.  I've been in Revelstoke for five days now.  The crowd, ten in addition to me and the host, were gone by Easter Monday.  
As I look out one of the two narrow windows, I can see Jean's garden and beneath that, the Canadian Pacific railway yards.  I've been here many times over the years as part of my family of choice (I call them the Fochers,  pronounced Fockers like the movie).
Some things are in bloom like heather, tulips and crocuses but it is early yet.  The drizzle is heavy but you have to really look to see it.  Every now and then it turns to light snow and you can observe it moving sideways more than falling down.
I walked outside an hour ago and was happily assaulted by the noise of what seemed like hundreds of birds making their melodic racket and I couldn't help but smile, and exhale.  It's dreary, overcast and perfect!
Perfect because all that was bringing me down is now part of my past, gone, done, over with.  It has been relegated to "lessons I have learned".  It is no longer part of my everyday life and I am happy beyond words.  Whatever this is that I feel is hard to put into words but saying I am happy is sufficient.  Is there anything better than just simply feeling happy?  It is enough for me.
So I sit here, at my other mother's table (I've been fortunate to have had several) looking out at this view and watching half a dozen robins look down patiently from their perch, waiting for rain-drenched, plump worms to poke their chubby heads up through the soil so that they may feast and fatten themselves in preparation for the demands ahead.
The wind suddenly shows up .  I know this because the trees, tranquil and motionless a moment ago, are now fussing back and forth like a clutch of hens suddenly roused by a rooster.  They look annoyed.
The wind moves the chimes in a sudden serenade and I smile and whisper a quiet thank you.  It is a good day! 

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