Hello and Good-bye!

I've created this blog for several reasons, primarily as a way to stay in touch, without staying in touch. There are a lot of folks who've expressed interest in this solo adventure of mine and so I welcome the cyber company as I travel this great country.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Spending the night in Bruce Mines, an hour east of Sious St. Marie

I left Thunder Bay around 11 am Thursday morning but before I got too far, I took a side trip.
The last time I saw this statue was June 1988, twenty-two years ago.  I remember how I felt seeing it.  I stood there today thinking about what it took to run a marathon every single day.  Imagine!  He was an extraordinary young man. 

Lake Superior with Thunder Bay to the right.
I headed east on Hwy. 17 which meandered around Lake Superior.  I could have stopped so often but thought better of it since I was determined to get to Sioux Ste. Marie by 8pm.  There were a few occasions when I couldn't help myself.
Abuasabon River Gorge with Lake Superior in the background.

We got us a convoy.  I noticed a few things along the way.  First, most the traffic was going in the opposite direction (Yes!) and second, there were no dead bodies on the road, ie: gofers .  On prairie roads there are deer, gophers, skunk but not a one in Ontario.  Just as I thought that, I passed this critter.

I confess ignorance to knowing what this fellow is.  But he must have known I wanted to snap his picture because he stayed there long enough for me to turn around and drive back.  Unfortunately, since I took this pic. three days ago, I've seen two or three, the largest one a skunk.

Oz can't be too far away.

A complete surprise and wasn't it lovely.
I really did try to not pull over but there were just some pictures worth stopping to take.  Case in point-

It's just so beautiful along Hwy. 17.  You either have Lake Superior on your right or other bodies of water on your left, either way, it's hard to just drive passed it all.  But that was it, I wanted to get as far as possible before night fall.  That first stretch of Ontario is a long haul.

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