Hello and Good-bye!

I've created this blog for several reasons, primarily as a way to stay in touch, without staying in touch. There are a lot of folks who've expressed interest in this solo adventure of mine and so I welcome the cyber company as I travel this great country.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wait a minute....

In the last blog I was complaining about the mosquitos.  Someone must have been listening.  No mosquitos right now, no.  Mosquitos don't fair well in the snow.  Yes, you read right.  Snow.  Ontario is suffering from a heat wave and Alberta has snow.  Go figure.

It happens every year around the playoffs.  Snow in May is not unusual but so many of us act as though it's happening for the first time.  I'll never complain.  Give me cool weather any day. 
So here I am again, playing ketchup, sorry catch up.  One of the things I was to help with while in Three Hills was the garage sale.  Oh what treasures are to be found at a garage sale but I promised myself I wouldn't buy a thing.  Nothing.  Everything I needed was already in my car.  Then I saw it, the thing I had to have.  There was no question I had to have it.  It spoke to me from the corner.  "Patricia I'm here.  Over here, come get me.  We were meant to be, you and me".  I couldn't resist.  Afterall, it wouldn't take up that much room and wasn't I on an adventure anyway and isn't being on an adventure about finding treasure and isn't treasure that thing that calls to you only.  I didn't buy it.  I said I wouldn't buy anything.  I simply took possession of it.  We were, afterall, meant for one another although Jean could have claimed the same since it looked like it was made for her.  So I succumbed to my heart's desire.  I had my own pith helmet. 
Pith on
Pith off

Another reason for my visit to Three Hills was to attend Jen and Kate's high school graduation.  The girls have been part of the Tak. family for five years.  Originally from Korea, they attended high school in Three Hills and will be returning to Canada to attend university, Jen in the sciences and Kate in environmental engineering.  I think I've gotten to know them more in the last few weeks then in the five years previously.  They've been a revelation to me!  It's been a lot of fun and I was honoured to be included amongst the special people they wanted in attendance at the grad. dinner and ceremony.  They have bright futures ahead of them and I hope there will be other opportunities to see them again.

Jean, Kate, Jenn, me, Lisa
Jenn & Kate with their proud host parents
I decided I wanted a day with the girls so one morning I said, "Get up we're going on an adventure".  "We're are we going?" I was asked but decided it was more fun not to tell.  I did insist that I not be asked where we're going or how long it would take to get there.  Our first stop was Torrington, Alberta.  It's a tiny little town that is know internationally for one thing and one thing only.  Torrington is home to the famous gopher museum.  You haven't really lived until you've gone to Torrington and seen their gopher museum.  I knew it would be something they would remember forever, whether they wanted to or not!  Turns out it was something special, at least I thought so.  You can judge for yourselves.

Even the hydrants are gopherfied.
The only thing we purchased there was a rhubarb/pineapple pie which we had for dessert that night. Yum!
Next we went to Gazoo (or Guzoo?) a privately owned zoo just outside of Three Hills.  I was impressed not only with the size but also the number of animals and how well maintained it was.  We took Treble with us on that leg of the journey.  I think she was glad we did.  

I foolishly gave this bird my car keys and just like that, he picked off a button.

This camel was a dancer so Kate joined in.  Treble couldn't be persuaded.
White elk?

Treble went mad for only one creature.  I couldn't blame her.  That bird was flaunting and taunting and Treble couldn't resist.  We had to restrain her.

This emu has a tiny head for such a big body.  Not what you'd  call pretty.

Kate was game to get into some of the enclosures.

Jen preferred the smaller creatures, this new born wabbit.  Ah!!!!

Every time I went to Three Hills, this place was a curiosity to me.  Why was it out there all by itself and how did people access it?

Finally, my questions were answered by Dale from Carbon.  It was a homestead settled in the late 1800s by a family now of Swalwell, Alberta.

The girls fake fear yet I couldn't persuade them to enter the place.
That's it for now.  I've got to head to my friend Buelah's for supper. 

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